The days are not the same..
As I come off my past..
The morning dews drown my soul..
The wavy breeze blows me apart..
The music of your voice..
Is something I die to play..
Your tender laugh...your gentle giggle..
Takes my breath away...
As the night melts into our souls...
And we melt together as one..
Those private whispers..those friendly jokes...
Makes my body..u being the soul..
Though you are not here...still you are with me...
I can see you..I can feel you..
Breathing every breath with you...
Swaying with those rainy nights..
Is all what I live for..
Kissing away the drops trickling down your face...
Is all what I can die for..
Staying with you is my dream, my desire..
Loving every moment..Living thousand lives..
Dying in your arms is what I crave..
To make this happen..I live..that's all I can say!